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Learn about the health of your ecosystem
Our Pond Analysis Program
Our Pond Analysis Program includes testing for:​​
Dissolved Oxygen
pH Levels
Total Dissolved Solids
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
E.Coli (Fecal Bacteria)
Water Testing is an important tool to develop a profile of data to see the quality of your ecosystem. For example, high levels of dissolved oxygen usually indicates healthy and stable ecosystems capable of supporting many kinds of aquatic life. E.Coli level testing is important to see if your lake or pond is safe to swim. Although most strains are harmless and live in the intestines of healthy humans and animals, this strain produces a powerful toxin and cause many problems, including skin, ear, respiratory, eye, wound infections, and sickness that could result in death. Water Testing will help identify your water issues so we can provide you with the most accurate solution.
Samples are collected by our trained technicians and then analyzed in-house. Our staff will compile the data and provide you with a report. Click here to view our sample report.
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